Connecting Slack

Build a complete picture of team collaboration and support

The Slack integration helps Aude understand how your team collaborates, shares knowledge, and supports each other outside of code. We look for positive signals like helping teammates, contributing to technical discussions, and participating in team channels.

The Aude for Slack App requires minimal permissions. We only track public messages in channels you specify, focusing on technical discussions and team collaboration. Private messages and DMs are monitored only if you specifically configure them, and you control exactly which channels to include.

The configuration settings are found under

Three-Step Connection Process

Step 1: Locate your Slack Workspace ID

Your unique Slack Workspace ID is required, please provide it here and click the "Submit" button. If you need help locating your Slack Workspace ID, please follow on screen instructions.

Step 2: Install the Aude Slack App

After you have successfully saved your Slack Workspace ID in Step 1, please proceed to click the "Add to Slack" button. This will bring you to the start of the Slack OAuth installation process.

Step 3: Configure Slack Channels

Upon successful completion of Step 2, you should be directed to the Aude Slack App's home tab either to the Slack Desktop App or the equivalent in the browser. This is where you can manage and configure your channels.

  1. Select Channels

    • Locate the filter dropdown in the Home tab.

    • Use the dropdown menu to select the channels you want the bot to access.

    • You can also use the search feature within the dropdown to quickly find specific Slack channels.

  2. Review Your Selections Before proceeding, double-check the list of selected channels. Ensure that all the required channels are included.

  3. Save Your Configuration Once you’ve confirmed your selections, click the 'Save' button to finalize the configuration.

Important Note: Avoid making any modifications, such as adding or removing channels, after clicking the 'Save' button. If you remove a channel after saving, the bot will stop polling data from that channel.

If you are not automatically redirected to the Home Tab, please follow the steps in Accessing the Aude Slack App Home Tab

Accessing the Aude Slack App Home Tab

If the home view doesn't automatically appear, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Slack App or your Slack URL from the browser.

  2. In the search bar at the top, type (

  3. Select (eg: from the search results.

  4. The home page for ( will open.

For reference, check the screenshot below.

Post Installation

Once the Slack App is installed, your Slack data will automatically sync. The Installation Status should indicate "Installed" with a timestamp. (You may need to refresh the page)

Last updated